The Power of Why - Push Your Motivation To New Limits


In this book, you're going to learn about the importance of understanding - The Power of Why which in turn will skyrocket your motivation levels.​​​​​​​

It's time to take Command of Your Motivation For Ultimate Success in Anything You Do...

What do you believe is standing between you and achieving your goals? When you start to hit your limits it's when the resistance kicks in and everything seems so much harder than ever before. Whether that resistance is fear, your ability, doubt, or another obstacle, it's a major barrier to achieving the dreams you hold.

The majority of people reach this resistance, and they think it is beyond their limits so, they give up. How far you get on your journey to achieving your dreams will depend wholly on your ability to overcome obstacles and maintain your motivation. If you can't push your motivation to new limits, it won't matter how much work you put into figuring out your why.

Push the Limits

It's easy to get complacent; it's harder to maintain motivation than a lot of people realize because when they start the journey, they are ready to tackle anything. So, let's look at how you can push your motivation to new limits as you chase your why. Here is how you can push past those limits to reach new ones.

Take More On

When you push past your limits, it means taking on new, tougher challenges. If you aren't taking more on, then you're living in your comfort zone. It means you are working only within the confines of your current skillset and ability level. That's the clearest way to ensure you don't make progress.

Visualize Your Levels

There is a lot of focus involved in achieving your goals and dreams. But the focus isn't enough, you have to know where to put that focus. You know where you were and you might know where you are, but what about where you want (or need) to go? You can get there by visualizing yourself as you chase the dream and take the steps necessary to make it.

Inspire Yourself

Understanding your why and having a plan isn't always enough to inspire yourself to action. So, you have to find other ways to inspire yourself. It could be a quote, a song, a phrase, or even a video that pumps you up and helps drive you. Inspiration is a powerful tool for motivation if you allow it to be, so find sources of inspiration you can fall back on when you start to feel your motivation dipping.

You can also look for inspiration in the world around you – are there people you know who have achieved similar goals? Or is there someone you're aware of who has done it all before you? You can look to them as inspiration, speak to them for advice if you can, or read a book written by someone who's achieved what you have.

Strengthen Your Weakness

You can think of weakness as an obstacle, it's a limit. It doesn't have to be a terrible thing, it's something you can strengthen. If you plan to run a marathon, it isn't enough to add an extra mile to your daily run. You have to sleep well, eat well, exercise regularly, and train. It means addressing those areas of weakness to shore up your capabilities across the board.

Fighting Barriers

If you want to achieve your wildest dreams, you have to find a way to get out of your comfort zone and push the limits. Whatever inspires you, whatever motivates you… isn't a shortcut. It's going to be a long journey and if you want to get there in one piece, you have to constantly push yourself, you can't settle.

When you start to feel that resistance, take steps immediately to overcome it because if you don't, it might just be the thing that ends your journey to achieve your why. When you figure out how to dig deep, it gets easier the next time you need to do the same.

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You'll get 3 PDF ebooks. [1] Main ebook + [2] 101 Motivational Things to tell yourself when you feel like giving up + [3] Stop feeling inadequate about where you are in life.

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The Power of Why - Push Your Motivation To New Limits

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